Student organizations

Student organizations may not represent themselves as agents of the university and are not allowed to use official VCU logos and symbols unless they are a registered athletic club. Please contact the Office of Trademarks and Licensing for correct usage and approval.

In all cases, VCU affiliation should be designated as at VCU, not VCU to avoid confusion with official unit identifiers.


Uses the correct “at VCU” (or “@VCU”) after organization name, but not in official logotype. Approval not required if following this format.

Cycling club at VCU


Does not use official VCU identifiers and stays away from brand guidelines.


Not acceptable

While correctly using “at VCU,” should not use typography that is similar to the official VCU font.

National Security, not acceptable usage

Personal use

Students are not permitted to use the university’s logo or spirit mark for personal use. University symbols should not be displayed on personal web pages, nor should personal pages use the name of the university in such a way that the reader would perceive the page to be an official university website. Personal use of university symbols on merchandise is prohibited without approval by Enterprise Marketing and Communications.