Brand hierarchy helps people understand the full breadth and depth of what we offer by defining the relationship between our enterprise's different entities. Our brand hierarchy is designed from an outside-in perspective for the optimal experience, maximizing brand value.

To make it simpler for our various audiences to understand all we do and deliver, we have adopted a master brand strategy. Our organizational master brand is VCU Health, which is the reference point for everything we do. The primary challenge in executing a master band strategy is the discipline required to keep our communications and activities on brand, yet doing so offers significant benefits:


Level Name Description and logo

1. Enterprise

VCU Logo

VCU A major, urban public research university

2. Organization

VCU Health Logo

VCU Health VCU Health represents all health-related components of VCU — clinical, research and education.

3. Major Entities

VCU Major Entity Logos

VCU Major Entity Logos

Colleges and Schools
Medical Centers
Physician groups
The core elements of our enterprise that represent strategic, interdisciplinary, comprehensive, integrated offerings that make us who we are. Brands at this level are “locked up” with the VCU and VCU Health logos.

4. Sub-entities Centers and Institutes
Clinics and Units
Departments and Divisions
Grant-funded entities
Programs and service lines
Satellite locations and buildings

Sub-entities are entities that fall within or are considered to be smaller than major entities.

At this level, sub-entities are treated remotely from the VCU and VCU Health logos.

Level 2 Organization

VCU Health is our organizational master brand, representing all health-related components of VCU — clinical, research and education.

Level 3 Major Entities

VCU Health’s major entities are our enterprise’s core elements, representing strategic, comprehensive, integrated offerings that make us who we are. Entities at this level lock up with the master brand.

Our major entities include VCU Medical Center, VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital, VCU Health Tappahannock Hospital, VCU Health Sciences college and schools, physician groups and other regulatory providers.

Level 4 Sub-entities

Sub-entities are entities that fall within or are considered to be smaller than major entities. At this level, sub-entities are treated remotely from the VCU and VCU Health logos. Sub-entities include departments and divisions, units and clinics, service lines and programs, offices, buildings and outpatient locations.