Logo hierarchy
Level | Name | Description and logo |
1 | Enterprise | A major, urban public research university |
2 | Organization | VCU Health represents all health-related components of VCU — clinical, research, and education. |
3 | Major Entities | The core elements of our enterprise that represent strategic, interdisciplinary, comprehensive, integrated offerings that make us who we are. Logos at this level are “locked up” with the VCU and VCU Health logos. |
4 | Sub-entities |
Sub-entities either fall within a major entity, or are a smaller entity that stands on its own but is not large enough to be considered a Level 3 entity. Sub-entities do not use the VCU and VCU Health logos. Sub-entities are normally Centers, Clinics, Councils, Institutes, Units, Departments, Divisions, etc. |
Level 3 major entities
Level 3 entities eligible for an official VCU logo include schools, colleges and other MBUs.
At the present time, they are:
- College of Engineering
- College of Health Professions
- College of Humanities and Sciences
- L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs
- School of the Arts
- School of Business
- School of Dentistry
- School of Education
- School of Medicine
- School of Nursing
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Public Health
- School of Social Work
- Alumni
- Board of Visitors
- Continuing and Professional Education
- daVinci Center
- Development and Alumni Relations
- Finance and Administration
- Graduate School
- Honors College
- Libraries
- Life Sciences
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost
- VCU Online
- Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences
- Research and Innovation
- Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Success
- Student Affairs
- University College
- College of Engineering Foundation
- School of Business Foundation
- VCU Foundation
These marks are available for download from the Downloads section. Website branding has unique requirements—refer to the VCU brand guidelines for websites to ensure proper usage.
All others should use Level 4 Amplified Staging.
Level 4 sub-entities
Level 4 sub-entities are entities that fall within or are considered to be smaller than major entities. At this level, sub-entities are treated remotely from the VCU and VCU Health logos. Centers, Clinics, Councils, Institutes, Units, Departments, Divisions, etc.
While Level 4 units, departments, offices, etc. no longer have an official VCU brand mark, they are eligible for “amplified staging” to identify themselves.
Typeface: Univers LT Std 65 Bold. Tracking: -10
Recommended size: approx. half the height of the VCU logo when used near VCU logo or Level 3 unit mark.
Separation: 2-V’s away from VCU logo or parent unit mark (small promotional items may have only 1-V spacing).
Usage examples:
DO: Level 4 name must always be accompanied by the VCU logo or Level 3 parent mark.
DO: When Level 4 name is used as a headline or on small promotional items, size may be increased.
DON’T: Level 4 names cannot be used in conjunction with Level 3 Informal Wordmarks.
DON’T: Graphic elements, icons, etc. should not be a part of the Level 4 name layout.
DON’T use the old "Secondary unit" marks.
Real world examples:
- General placement and alignment of Level 4 name (centered, left align or right align), VCU logo and/or parent mark is at the discretion of the designer and should follow layout best practices.
- Level 4 name graphic files will not be provided by EMC.