All color configurations have been carefully designed for wide use.

Our logos should only be used on white, black, or the VCU Health gold backgrounds, with no exceptions. The full-color, positive VCU Health logo on white should be used whenever possible. The color treatments shown are the only available options for all file types.

Standard usage

Horizontal full color (preferred)

VCU Health logo on white

Horizontal one-color black

One color black logo

Horizontal reverse full color

Horizontal one-color black

Horizontal reverse one-color white

Horizontal reverse one-color white

Limited usage

Horizontal full color on VCU Health gold

Full color on VCU Health gold

Horizontal one-color black on VCU Health gold

One-color black on gold

To ensure successful print reproduction, color and tint must be considered when placing our logos on a background.

All color versions are readable on tints of 50% and 40% black. 

If using colors outside the preferred VCU Health Gold, black or white, use either our one-color black or white logos within the appropriate tint range.

Logo tint 90
Logo tint 80
Logo tint 70
Logo tint 60
Logo tint 50
Logo tint 40
Logo tint 30
Logo tint 20
Logo tint 10