Master brand logo

The VCU Health logo is the primary graphic element used to identify our organization. It consists of the official VCU seal and the VCU Health typography.

The VCU seal and “VCU” typography together demonstrate our relationship to Virginia Commonwealth University and our strength as an academically oriented organization.

The word “Health” orients our audiences to understand our brand’s focus on health, recovery and life.

This logo may be used as a stand-alone element on all materials. The following pages explain how to use our logo consistently and on brand.

Masterbrand components


Our master brand logo has two configurations to accommodate a variety of applications and spaces: horizontal and vertical.

The horizontal version is preferred and should be used whenever possible. The vertical version is intended to fit narrow widths or any space that would render the horizontal version proportionally too small.


Simple seal

A simplified VCU Health logo has been created for use when the integrity of our seal is diminished.

The simple seal logo should only be used for embroidery and merchandising and only with approval from the VCU Health brand team in those applications.

Simple seal

Clear space

A minimum clear space should always surround the logo to ensure clear legibility and visual impact of the VCU Health logo in application.

The minimum clear space is equal to the height of the capital “V” in the VCU Health typography. The clear space framing the logo should be free from type, photography, patterns, folds, surface edges and page trim, which would interfere with its legibility and visibility.

A more generous use of clear space surrounding the logo should be used whenever possible.

Clear space

Minimum size

To ensure the integrity of our logo, a minimum size has been established for both print and digital.

The minimum size is set by the height of the capital "V" in the VCU Health typography. For print, the VCU Health logo should never be smaller than 0.1875 inches. For digital, it should never be smaller than 23 pixels.

Minimum size

Level 3 major entities

Our major entities include the VCU Health logo “locked up” with the approved descriptor name for each entity.

All distances and alignment are based upon the height of the capital “V” in the VCU Health typography.

Level 3 components


Our major entity logos are available in three configurations.

The horizontal version should be used whenever possible. The vertical version is intended for use in narrow applications or ones that proportionately prevent the horizontal logo from significant representation.

Level 3 configurations

Simple seal

A simplified VCU Health logo has been created for use when the integrity of our seal would be diminished.

The simplified logo should only be used for embroidery and merchandising and only with approval from the VCU Health brand team in those applications.

Level 3 Simple Seal

Approved Level 3 major entities

Our major entities consist of our medical centers, hospitals, physician groups, and VCU Health Sciences’ college and schools. The following is our approved list of major entities.

Clear space

The same principles that apply to the master brand also apply to the major entity logo.
To ensure clear legibility and visual impact of the major entity logo in application, a minimum clear space of one large VCU Health “V” should always surround it.

More generous use of clear space should be used whenever possible.

Level 3 clearspace

Minimum size

The same principles which apply to the master brand also apply to the major entity logo.

To ensure the integrity of our logo, minimum sizes have been established for both print and digital.

The minimum size is set by the height of the capital “V” in the VCU Health typography. For print, the VCU Health logo should never be smaller than 0.1875 inches. For digital, it should never be smaller than 23 pixels.

Level 3 minimum size

Level 4 sub-entities

Sub-entities utilize a remote treatment. Sub-entity names have two approved applications: as a headline or as a descriptor with at least two "V" clear spaces.

One sheet example:

Level 4 one sheet

Business card example:

Level 4 business card example

PowerPoint example:

Powerpoint example

Email header example:

Level 4 email header example


Our logo and associated variations have been created to ensure that those within and outside of our organization consistently represent our brand. Variations and applications have been thoroughly considered to provide flexibility — all other uses are considered misuses. These examples demonstrate "do nots" and can diminish the value of our brand.

Do not use the VCU seal alone or by itself

Do not use seal alone

Do not stretch, squash or distort

Do not distort

Do not alter, change or resize any elements

Do not resize

Do not change the colors or use unapproved color combinations

Do not change colors

Do not create an unapproved mark, or “lock-up,” outside the brand hierarchy

Do not create unapproved lockups

Do not add elements or additional text

Do not add elements

Do not combine with other logos

Do not combine logos

Do not place on a background color other than VCU Health gold, black or white

Do not place on background color