The same suite of fonts mentioned in the Typography section applies to social media as well.

When making decisions about which ones to use, the brand tone spectrum is helpful. Consider your primary reader, the platform, and goal. From there, apply the recommended pairings to limit fonts used in a single post.

Bold? Energetic? Vibrant? Fast-paced?

VCU brand tone spectrum for typography

Positive? Comfortable? Medium-paced?

VCU brand tone spectrum for typography

Thoughtful? Caring? Introspective? Soft? Slow-paced?

VCU brand tone spectrum for typography

Thunderhouse should be used in a limited fashion — for short, punchy headlines or UN words. Often there’s an overlap in the Thunderhouse and Univers area of the spectrum for this reason.

Univers Extra Black stands in for longer headlines. When a supporting condensed typeface is preferred to emulate Thunderhouse, Univers Ultra Condensed fits well as long as it does not cause your layout to exceed three typefaces. In the digital space, a minimum point size of 16 is required.

social media type choices

Additionally, left alignment is the standard for most materials. Occasionally, center alignment works for titles and CTAs, but it is less readable in larger volumes. Once you choose an alignment, maintain that throughout the post for consistency. Avoid justifying all lines as that is reserved for editorial print materials.

social type alignment

Once you choose a typographic specimen from the pairings, maintain those fonts throughout using strong hierarchy for assigning importance. Lastly, “VCU” or its full name should never be set in Thunderhouse.

social typesetting