Stars and twinkles

Stars and twinkles should only be used for posts with light-hearted messages as a visual accents that create a more trendy and whimsical feel to the graphics. These have been identified as a trending design feature across social media that communicates a magical feeling to our Gen Z audience and adds some fun visual texture to a post.

Social stars and twinkles

Accent rays

Accent rays should be used to emphasize text only, never on photos or illustrated assets. When Thunderhouse Pro is appropriate for a title, the accent rays don’t need to be used. When a post uses Garamond or Univers for titles, the accent rays can be used as a supplementary illustration element to highlight key words or headings within a graphic.

accent rays

Ink rolls and grit texture

For ideal contrast with reversed, black and gold type, consider using ink roll elements that offer the greatest consistency. Ink rolls may also be used to frame spaces and add texture.

In a similar style, grit texture may be used to create depth and visual interest.

social ink rollssocial grit texture

Feathered gradients

Feathered gradients are an acceptable alternative when the overlay containers are too intrusive to the creative or when a Thunderhouse headline requires space and contrast to work in a layout. We recommend applying a Multiply blend mode and a layer opacity of 80%. Feather the gradient to include as much photographic detail as possible.

feathered gradients

The logotype

As of now, we’re using the logo with only the logotype — no seal — for carousel posts that are sharing information (e.g. heritage month posts, police information, RecWell Wednesday, graduation information) and occasionally on posts for holidays or days of remembrance (9/11, Labor Day, etc.)

vcu logotype