We have created a PowerPoint template to simplify presentation development and ensure brand consistency. The templates include multiple layouts, type styles, standard footer and header information, built-in color palette and styles for charts and tables. 16:9 widescreen format is available. In addition to these guidelines, instructions are built into the actual templates themselves, including how to use various features.
16:9 format sample
Slide types
The following slide types are built into the PowerPoint templates.
The templates use a grid system comprised of margins and columns that work together to create consistency across slides.
- All objects and text should fit within the margins of the grid to ensure legibility and that the logo is unobstructed
- Objects and text should align to the margins and columns of the grid
Guides are a visual aid only and do not print. To toggle guides on or off:
“View” tab > “Guides”
Header, main content as one colum
Header, main content as two columns
Header, main content as three columns
Inserting new slides
“Home” tab > click “New Slide”
A slide will be added of the same type as the currently selected slide.
“Home” tab > click and hold “New Slide”
From the drop-down menu, choose the slide type you want to insert.
The Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU color palette is already built into the available PowerPoint templates for both text and shape content.
Text and content
Arial is used throughout our PowerPoint presentations. For all content boxes, text color, size and weight are automatically set. Maintain these standard font sizes and add slides as needed; however, if necessary, you can use the buttons on the “Home” tab to increase or decrease the font size. For content boxes, body copy is set in 20pt Arial in black. Arial is used throughout our PowerPoint presentations, for example, in headlines, dividers and quotes. For content boxes, body copy is 20pt Arial in black; text boxes should have no internal margins.
Indenting text and bullets
TIP: Do not add bullets by clicking the bullet icon.
Using the bullet icon button will default bullets to the standard PowerPoint indent/bullet styles and will not use the custom bullet styles. Instead, use “Decrease/Increase List Level” buttons in the Home tab to toggle between different indent levels, using the existing bullet examples in the content slides.
There are a total of four indent levels:
Header and footer information
- “Insert” tab > click “Header and Footer”.
- Customize the content for the footer as needed.
- Click “Apply” or “Apply to All” as needed.
Inserting, sizing and cropping images
Images can be placed into an “image only” or “any content” placeholder box. “Any content” boxes are indicated by the group of six icons in the box center. Hovering your mouse cursor over each icon will present a tooltip popup that reveals the types of content that can be inserted. Even though the placeholder box contains the prompt “Click to add text,” any of the six types of content (table, chart, smart art graphic, picture, online picture or video) can be inserted into the box.
Empty content boxes
Example with images
In the example to the right, notice the height difference between the left image and the right image. The left image was placed into an “any content” placeholder box and has been automatically reduced to show all its content. This contrasts with the right image, which was placed into an “image only” content box and has been automatically sized and cropped to fill the full frame.
Follow the steps below to resize or crop an image to be the same size as the original content box.
Step 1
- Select the image
- “Format” tab > “Crop”
- Choose “Crop” from the drop-down menu
Step 2
- Crop handles will appear on the box
- Click and drag the crop handles (black bars) to match the original content box size, which is aligned with the guides
- In this example, the top middle handle was moved up and the bottom middle was moved down
Step 3
- Scale the image by clicking and dragging the resize handles (i.e., circles)
- Scale so that the image content extends past the content box edges
- NOTE: Be sure to hold down the Shift key to ensure that the image maintains its proportions
Step 4
- Click and drag the image content to reposition as desired
- When satisfied, deselect the image
Changing and applying slide layouts
Step 1
In the slides pane, click to select the slide you want to change (the selected slide will have a heavy color outline).
Step 2
- “Home” tab > “Layout”
- Select from the drop-down menu the layout you want to apply
- In this example, we’re switching from 1-column to 2-column
Step 3
- The selected slide will now use the chosen layout
- Note: Sometimes, when switching layouts, existing content might not fit and you’ll need to adjust it manually
Charts and tables
Adding charts
Step 1
- Click on the “Insert Chart” icon of a content box
- Choose the type and style from the menu
- Note: After you make your choice, a Microsoft Excel window will launch and present a worksheet on which you can modify chart data
Click “Insert Chart” icon
Choose the type and style
Step 2
- A new sample chart will be inserted, which can be customized as desired. Place charts on a white background and use the CHoR colors, which are built into the template
Adding tables
Step 1
- Click on the “Insert Table” icon of a content box to insert a table
Step 2
- Specify the desired number of columns and rows. A sample table will be inserted, with CHoR Dark Blue as the default color
To change a table to a different color:
- Select the table
- “Table Tools” > “Design” > “Table Styles”
- Click the “More” drop-down button to reveal all possible table styles
- Choose from any of the colors from the “Medium Style 2” group